Sunday 1 May 2011

epic 30 day catch up

Day 5 - things you want to say to an ex

I don't - how fab is that!!

#6 Your views on mainstream music
ngl, I'm more of an indie fan, but everynow and then I won't say no to a bit of pop... but you won't really find it on my iTunes... except for a bit of Kylie ♥
however, I HAAATE processed, X-factor etc music. I just hate hate hate it. agh.
#7 Five pet peeves
1 - odd numbers.
bit weird, but I really, really can't stand odd numbers. I used to be quite OCD cause i never really used to eat anything and that kiiindaaa makes you crazy! most of it's gone now but odd numbers still get to me...
2 - poor spelling.
again, this is an OCD leftover. despite the fact that before year 9 when i literally sat, read and memorised a million spellings, i couldn't spell a thing... i can't stand poor spelling/grammar (took english language a year early ;L) so yeah. don't do it :)
3 - orange people.
nothing against umpaloompas, and I have been known to whack out the ol' gradual build up moisturiser... I hate fake tan. like, obvious, spray on, orange, nasty chavvy fake tan.
4 - two facedness.
again, I am very two faced at times, but I try not to be... but I really really hate people who are you're best friend one second and then act like you're dirt the next. really unnecessary.
5 - people who go on about how the were 'sooo stooooneeeed'.
says it all really.

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